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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mini Haul:Makeup Geek

So super happy I got a package in the mail today.Seriously.This week has been hell.This little treasure trove in my mailbox made me freaking smile.First time MUG orderer (is that a word? O.o) Long time make-up addict. *raises hand* Hi my name is....At any rate I plan on grabbing hauls from them whenever the Money Tree ripens.Was a very good experience.I placed my order on July 24,2011 and it was super fast going through everything.The site is very easy to navigate and everything is pretty cut and dry.The sale at the time was a 99 cent sale which had me all like (O.O) *runs....sock slides across floor BUY BUY BUY BUY* I should have spent more.Looking at my little box I'm having non buyers remorse *le sigh* At any rate I ended up buying two NYX shadows and a MUG brush.(not 99 cents but hey effective advertising...sell the cheap stuff people look BAM purchase a non sale item v.v) It was packaged good and came with packing peanuts.I got my invoice and shipment verification same day which was AWESOME and it arrived today so six days (God it felt longer).Great experience I plan on doing again once I rob a bank...Umm I hard for my moneh v.v

First up is my NYX shadow in 'Summer Green' or ES51A.It comes in a nice 2.5 gram pat.Cruelty Free Hypoallergenic.The color is gorgeous sorta of like a<.<......>.>...,No no really haha it's a very clean green.I'd say like the lovely part at the bottom of a grass sprig.The yellowish golden limey green. Heres some piccys and swatches for ya.

                                                                    Closed *sexy aura*
                                                 Open *Hallelujah!Ahhhohhhhahhhhohhhahhhh*
Ok so heres some swatches starting from well the left.Like you are looking at the screen that left.I laid some black down and put the green over it and it turned into a very sexy sexy deep green.In the middle is the Summer Green over my Pixi primer.The color seems richer and more golden to me and of course to the far right the color by itself on fresh skin (Mmmm fresh skin nom nom nom) in which cause the color is still strong and lovely.

The second shade I got was NYX 'Redhead' or ES73.Again you get it in a nice 2.5 gram pat.Cruelty Free (Paint yaself not puppies!) Hypoallergenic (not gonna fuck ya face up...well we hope) I don't have alot of red shades yet (bad Digi!) So I have been trying to expand on that.This red is about as close to 'TRUE RED' as I think I could get.I mean it's red.Not dark red not light red.Just in the middle bright red.Ronald McDonald would be so proud *tear* I love it.Am looking forward to using it in one of my upcoming Winnie The Pooh looks.So here ya go some piccys and swatches.

                                                             Closed *quiet seduction*
                                                        Open *IN YO FACE SUCKA!*

So heres the swatches.Far Left is the Red Head over black which was very nice and brim stoney like to me.Felt very volcano.In the middle is it over my Pixi eye primer and the color just wow popped.Love that red. *sings about red bawoons* On the end is the Red Head on just my skin and it was a very matte soft red look.Yeah definitely love these.CAN"T WAIT to try them!

Last thing I got was a new brush Squee >(^.^)<!! This was NOT 99 cents but again it's like a grocery store.You put all the stuff people need (NEED *snorts*) on sale and people swarm in and end up spending their cash on regular priced items too.As I was going through all the 99 cents shades I was Oooooo and Ahhhhing and thinking of the hot makeup lusty painting *pants pants* I could do with my new colors and of course my fingers were itching and crying 'Mommy but how shall you follow your muse with the tools you have you need more!' So I had to get a brush v.v and I did.The MUG Chisel Brush C408.I love this brush already and imagine everything with be more precise using it.I washed it just like the packaging said and had a little bit of fall out but most of my new brushes do that.After a little gentle wash and pluck it was perfect and I used it to do the swatches.Heres some piccys!

All and all I have to say my experience with Makeup Geek was orgasmic and I even felt she cuddled me after.*lights up a smoke* Highly recommend doing business with this lady and now I'm spent!
*slaps a wrist to her forehead and makes a dramatic exit*


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